The results are in!!
Firstly we’d like to thank all of the people who took part in our customer satisfaction survey. As an incentive we offered an iPhone SE to participants and the winner was Ian MacKenzie of Briggs and Forrester – congratulations Ian!
It’s always a slightly daunting prospect reaching out to your Customers to find out what they think about you…but a necessary exercise if you want to improve/grow relationships and improve as a business.
We got some extremely positive comments, good constructive criticism and even some suggestions for product development – all of which is valued feedback that we take on board and intend to act upon.
The infographic to the left sums up all of the key stats and results but here’s a quick snapshot in black and white if infographics aren’t your thing.
Rate Brookvent across 3 key areas of the business on a range from 0% (very poor) to 100% (very good):
- Quality of product – 91%
- Quality of customer service – 93%
- Quality of project management – 90%
We used a random selection of contacts from our customer base and if you’d like to take part in the survey you can email us directly at and we’ll forward you an invite to have your say – all you need to do is put ‘BV CSAT Survey 2016’ into the subject field, no message required. We’d appreciate your feedback – thanks.